As mentioned earlier, Saturday night we drove down to Mystic Lake Casino in Shakopee for Miranda Lambert. There was no opener, which was kinda a bummer. It was seated, which in some ways was a bummer, but by the end we were all standing. I kind of would have liked it to have been in some dive bar, but then the Sia show on Tuesday reminded me of how short I am and how much really crowded shows suck.
However, Lambert was great and rocked out most of my favorite songs, not all that I wanted to hear, but lots of good ones. We didn't realize the casino was dry, also a bummer. And no encore? What?

We braved a late Sunday night show, cause we love Needtobreathe so much. They were lovely, even if they didn't play my favorite song. We were super close to the stage, for nice photos. For an encore, they came out into the crowd and played an acoustic rendition of "Streets of Gold".

Then, on Tuesday we went with Erica (on her 26th birthday!) to Sia at the Fine Line. It was the first time I had been to the Fine Line and I must say, sold out shows there aren't the greatest for short little girls. HarMar Superstar opened and I was amazed at the cockiness and superfun music coming out of a tiny, odd man. Sia was good and played the same set as in November, but this time I knew all of the words, so fun.
I didn't take any pictures cause we were so far away and there were signs everywhere warning against it. I'd rather keep my camera, thanks. Plus, I have good ones from her show in November.

Anthony played a great show last Friday at the Overflow Cafe. He played all my favorite songs and even a Lori McKenna cover.


Removable Center Cube and ribbon. (He knows how much I love ribbon.)

The ribbon held a little note and the request to be his valentine.

First, a traced a heart and wrote our initials in pencil. Then, I took a stylis and poked holes (big enough for my needle to pass through) along the lines. I found that sometimes I was too vigorous with the holes and got them too close together, making one big hole. Also, I wish I would have erased the pencil before I started embroidering, cause it showed through too much.

Then, I embroidered using my regular needle and three strands of floss instead of my usual two. I used three because the holes were bigger and I wanted the floss to cover the pattern. I used light pink for the heart, purple for Anthony's initials and hot pink for mine. I had planned to send it in the mail, but Anthony put the ca-bash on that. However, I still added the pretty label on the front.

For Grandma Albrecht:

For Grandpa Hutchinson:

For Mom and Dad:

Jessica also got one with embroidered lips on it that said, "KISSES and Beer!" which I seem to not have photographed on it's own before I sent it away.

He arrived at my house last night, while I was shoveling, bearing kisses and beer (my only requests) and another white rose. Along with two movies that I love, an amazing homemade Valentine and ready to take me to dinner in a pretty pink, black and silver striped tie.
Then, he helped me (read: did most of) finish shoveling. To go out, I put on sparkley gray jeans, my favorite long black sweater dress and a hot pink lacy camisole. I also wore my sparkley silver and black lace heels (cause I could since I had finally shoveled the sidewalk) and hot pink dangley earrings.
He took me out to Chianti Grill where we ordered (and consumed) an amazing amount of delicious food and cocktails. Spinach artichoke dip, bacon-wrapped scallops, key lime martini, champagne-pineapple juice-raspberry vodka martini, gargonzola salad, lobster ravioli, filet mignon, and molten chocolate cake. We were full and happy.

Lent is a lengthening. A lengthening of days. The increasing light towards Easter. Coming of Spring. Soon bare legs and open-toed shoes!
It's Valentine's Day. And we're exchanging cards (pictures later) and going to dinner. When I told him I made his, he got inspired and is just bursting at the seems to show it to me. Last night he said we had to stay up until midnight cause then it would be Valentine's Day, but I told him we still had to wait to exchange at dinner.
Here are some cookies he made last night and my pink Valentine's cupcakes that I brought to work today.

I have done some fun things recently, went to Mika at First Ave for Andrew's Christmas present. It was a lovely show.
Session started and I get to wear suits to work again. And I get to do fun session tasks like, send out hearing notices, request hearings on bills, track bills, watch the floor session, watch committee hearings, sign for bills for the committee, eat food from the cafeteria cause it's open, ah, session you make my work life so much better.
My craft life on the other hand is definitely going to suffer. The boyfriend is still freaking awesome. I really need a haircut and scheduled one for Friday.

Dance team state is this weekend, which means the end to my $100 checks for judging every weekend will end. But, Anthony and his sister and I are going to go watch on Saturday at the Xcel. I'm bringing tally sheets and going to do my own judging up in the stands.

I sent off embroidered Valentine's to some lucky folks. And finished Anthony's. He is really proud of the one he made me and it is killing him to keep the secret until Thursday. He even admitted to contemplating leaving it in his car for me to "accidentally" find.