I cleared my bosses afternoon schedule (he was in session anyway) so I could leave work early to beat some of the rush hour traffic. Thus, I scored a good table near the sound board and merch table and got to watch sound check. Anthony and Melissa arrived later to enjoy $2.50 Premium taps and the excellent waitress service.

As always they put on a rockin' show. I sang along (at times perhaps, too enthusiastically) with every word and danced in my chair until we finished our burgers and moved closer to the stage.

They are a sweaty bunch.

I can barely contain my excitement.

After this I recommended the jalepeno burger and the bacon cheeseburger. Anthony laughed at me.
Pretty much in love with them and their music. I don't understand why you don't all listen to them! Go to listen on their website, they'll be back in August.

So, Summer doesn't seem so close anymore. Cause, it's been 30° for the last week and every once in a while it snows some more. But, I saw this picture of a Minnesota remodel via Apartment Therapy yesterday and it has me dreaming of those two weeks in May when everything smells lovely and bushes of purple flowers line the freeway.
Also, I get so much joy to see the lily and tulip sprouts popping out of the ground at my house and around town. I can't wait for the peonies.

Frank Moe's campaign was the reason I got into politics and started this whole different life path. And now he's stepping down to spend more time with his wife. Now, to find someone new to run...I can think of a few.
Erica, Anthony and I skipped out of work early for a fun little sold out show at the Fine Line. We were there early enough to get a table on the balcony, so our little feets didn't have to stand all night.
There were two good openers: Raining Jane and Rachael Yamagata. Anthony bought their merch so we could take them home.
Sara was lovely and totally still in awe of her fame.

Sitting up in the balcony was cool except that they turned the piano AWAY FROM IT. Instead of away from the wall like they should have. Stupids.

For the whole show there was one boy in the front row who knew EVERY word of her songs and was totally in love with her. And they set up the piano so that she was singing right in front of him, much to his delight, I'm sure.

Sara is learning to play guitar and she played for us. Which made those of us in the balcony very happy as we could finally see.

Anthony dragged my coughing head to the Roller Derby Championships on Saturday night where we met up with Erica, Naomi and a bunch of their friends. I was really impressed and highly entertained by the evening. They even have a half-time show of and ELO cover band. Not bad for a Saturday night.
Here is a delicious 1/2 BBQ Chicken, banana pepper and 1/2 Chicken, tomato, red pepper & green pepper pizza we made. Scrumptious!
Finally, we sat by the fire and watched the sun set. Love it.