I took the opportunity to go wedding dress shopping with my mom and Amber and Angi. It was so nice to reconnect with those girls and we had a lovely girls-day out. I tried on quite a few dresses and found two or three that are in the running (but Anthony reads this so no pictures). I also had the girls try on some bridesmaids dresses. This may become the most difficult decision in the whole wedding. I would really just like to say: Go find a dark purple dress that you like. Honestly, I like the way it looks better when they are mismatched. When in real life do people dress alike and we don't think they are weird?
Anthony thinks we should write our vows - gah! That's a scary proposition, how am I supposed to feel confident about it when my fiance is a song writer?!
I was sneaky and started another blog about the wedding stuff. You can hear all about the gritty details here: Miniette Bride. There is also a link up top on the right.
My friend Laura (who set-up Anthony and I) has recently been certified to teach Yoga and has been doing so in St. Joseph, MN for a while. She sent me a link to her website that lists the classes she teaches. I'd love to attend her runner's yoga workshop this weekend, but we'll be at first-time home buyer's classes in Eagan.
I'm going to have to plan to go up for a few sessions.