One thing that Troy undoubtedly DIDN'T tell you is that the pirates who are causing the most damage are NOT the downloaders, for precisely the reason you pointed out. Downloaders will sometimes buy the CD, and therefore it will be beneficial for record companies. As well, the recording companies are not selling many CDs for the reasons of technology. They sold CD after CD after CD in the last 10 years because everyone was updating their cassette/record collections to the new technology. Now that they have them updated, there is no more massive buying going on. Also, it is the pirates in the far east (Asia) in China and Taiwan and Korea that bootleg the cds and then sell them for 3 or 4 bucks. THAT is the massive market that the record companies are losing 75% of their shirt on. Casual downloaders such as me or you, are a molecule in the water that is flowing out of the record companies bucket, which has so many holes. They are targeting the easy persons, not the serious trouble.