"The congregations who do the best in church finances have a rich, full, abiding compassion for mission. They are motivated by a theology of service, not a theology of survival. Their compelling, driving spirit is one of giving, serving, loving mission."
Kennon Callahan via Jason Evans
While I was at my parents' last night, my dad was at church fixing up the basement kitchen. When he got home he told my mom and me about all the things the recent resigned janitor did wrong. From that he went on to how everything is done wrong at church including hosting the weekly Soup Kitchen (we don't want to share our nice stuff - come on people stop being so selfish). It made me think about how much our church focuses on our building, our finances. We constatly ask for money - building fund, youth group, faith & fellowship, etc. My church seems completely focused on it self. We never do missions, we never reach out to the neighborhood we are in. We are too content in our nice Sunday worship to get our hands dirty with helping others.
I am so frustrated with the lack of spirtituality there. It is devoid of feeling. On Sundays we begin with announcements - talking about ourselves, how wonderful we are, who is doing what, etc. Then the reader reads the opening prayer, but before they do, they introduce themselves to the congregation. They tell how long they have been members, who they are married to, who their kids are, church groups they are involved in and sometimes they even mention their job or business. Nothing like some free advertising right after you tell the congregation how virtuous you are.
When we finally do get to the prayer it feels weird, out of place. Like an after thought. "Oh yeah, we are at church we are supposed to be worshiping or something - God is good and stuff."
I happen to be on the worship committee and have brought this fact up numerous times. I also happen to be the only one under 30 on the committee. Everytime I am told to bring it up again at the next meeting - "we can't do anything about it, the readers for this quarter have been sent directions that include introducing themselves - we will deal with it later."
This is another part of my not attending this church this summer.
Then I read that quote on The Living Home and it brought all the pent up frustrations back. I feel like I need to do something - but I feel like nobody at church wants to change.