Friday: "Parker's Prairie" came up. We went to dinner (Applebees, Andy H. was our waiter - always fun) and I had a bonfire at my parent's house. Lots of people came. We talked, joked, laughed and drank the night away (until we ran out of wood and then it was kinda lame).
Saturday: Had coffee with Amy and Jo-Nathan, ran errands with Amy, Dinner at Dave's Pizza with Jo-Nathan, Kamran, Jenny and Amy, took a walk with Amy and Stacy, rented Monster called Cassie and John to come watch too, made me nauseous and went home.
Sunday: Went to Johnson's for Brandon and Erica's grad party, Lifeteen Catholic Mass in the evening - really great (new cute seminarian who lead music).
Got no work done. I need to not let myself watch TV at my parent's.