I want it to happen so bad. There are so many logisitics to iron out and I just want to get down to planning the actual events.
Some names I've been thinking of:
EPIC journey (EPIC=experiential, participatory, image rich, connective)
Something More
Discussion included talk of times. When can we find a time to do this?! We went round and round with options and pros and cons for each option. We don't want to step on any toes in the Traditional Worship and we want to be as inclusive as we can. Thus we want the time when the most people can be there.
Sunday morning seems to be the sacred cow in this town. It's assumed that people won't come to a service that is not on Sunday morning. Having it on Sunday morning also gives it validity. And we can use the already existing sunday school, nursery, and coffee hour.
Of course I disagree that people won't come to afternoon or evenig services cause - hello the Catholics go at 5:30 on Saturday AND Sunday night.
I envision a worship experience/dialouge on a Saturday night where we all go out to the bar afterwards and continue the conversation! But maybe that just appeals to the college student in me.
Ack. I just want to plan services that are full of tradition, liturgy, ritual, ceremony, screaming music, emotions, visuals - the good stuff. So, I can enjoy going to church again and we can (hopefully) get some young people involved in the community of the congregation again.