I've mentioned buy nothing day and I suggested to Lindsi that she employ buy nothing christmas, but is there a compromise between the extremes of buy everything or nothing? Perhaps share something christmas could be a solution.
Integration Research has released social software with this in mind. SmartCommons Collection is a stuff organizer, that enables you to share your earthly wares. Like, for instance, I recieved 2 America the Books. Its a pain to send one back to Amazon. Its better to either regift or share with someone else. The software is made by my blogging hero so I'm a little biased, but this is a really cool idea. Something that I think will take the music sharing idea to the next level. I understand that it works like this: I post stuff that I have as do others. If there is a certain book I want to borrow, someone has it and I can share my stuff too.
A little feeback on the software: It would be nice to be able to hit enter after typing the keyword to start the search. Also, link "similar items" to be able to automatically add one to your list or watchlist.