Today was a horrible day at work. It rained for most of my 6 hours on the street. And my so-called "water-proof" jacket left me wet and bedraggled. We were in "Republicanland" where even registered Democrats tend to vote Republican (WTF?)
My "political action" bag BROKE. It was the one that I bought for my trip to Boston last year. It was perfect for canvassing and going to political functions, because it could hold a lot (including campaign signs), was red, white and blue (stylishly), could hang on my shoulder without having to hold it (and thus freeing my hands) and was waterproof. It was also purchased on clearance for $2 at Target.
I got some simpathy from residents for petitioning in the rain, but most of the day I wanted to cry from people slamming doors in my face combined with everything else.
Then we found out that some of us will be moving to different groups around the city. This is a bummer, cause I really enjoy the people on my team. A chance to meet new people I guess.
For supper, I brought home seafood curry from Thai Grill down the street. Mmm it was so good. I'm really on a big shrimp and scallops kick lately. The greek restaraunt down the street has awesome seafood stuffed mushroom caps of which I can't get enough!