5 Things in my Fridge
1. Yogurt
2. Apples
3. Milk
4. Beer
5. Cream Cheese
5 Things in my Closet
1. Purses
2. Shoes
3. Clothes
4. Lamp so I can wade through the masses
5. Bags of Target Bags (I just feel like I'm supposed to save them)
5 Things in my Purse
1. Camera
2. Change purse of cash and cards for easy purse switching
3. Phone
4. Pens
5. Tampons
5 Things in my Car
1. Snow brush/scrapper
2. Car phone charger
3. Extension cord
4. Glass bowl I bought at the DFL fundraiser
5. Non-perishable left-overs from the Youth Group Party
5 Things I wish I was doing right now
1. Drinking coffee at a coffee shop with reasonable hours
2. Making out!
3. Laughing louder
4. Drinking beer or a cocktail
5. Eating lunch - I'm starving
5 Things I like most about my bedroom
1. My fushia and orange bed spread and skirt
2. My mattress - nice and soft
3. Pictures of friends, family and travels
4. My pink, red, and purple curtain
5. View of the Lake
I tag: