The Kenny's Amoco is now a Clark. What?
On Saturday Anthony and I sat and watched the Water Ski Show at the Waterfront. It was kind of lame but this little kid was walking through the crowd selling "One water for one dollar!"
I got to do lots of holding Angi's baby, Thomas George (six weeks old).
Anthony wore my jean jacket home from the beer tent simply cause it fit.
This kid was sitting next to us at the Bemidji parade. He kept scarring me cause he'd go after every piece of candy. Especially the ones closest to the big trucks in the parade.
Jade and Noah were in the parade for Bemidji Community Theater.
Miss (Senior) America comes straight from Bemidji!
Anthony's favorite float in the parade.
We had a good time. Even when we were waiting in traffic (in Bemidji!) on our way home.