Minnesota has same day registration. If you aren't currently registered to vote, you can register on election day.
- Just make sure that you bring either:
- Your MN drivers license (or any MN issued ID) that has your current address.
- OR You bring a utility bill (electricty, natural gas or land line phone - not cable or cell) with your name and current address.
- OR You have someone who is a registered voter (in your precinct) or has one of the above (so they can register first) vouch for you, that in fact, you do live where you say you do.
More questions - see Minnesota's Sec. of State
Before you get to the polls, I recommend going to the Strib's website and looking at their myVote tool. It gives you information about where you vote and about all of the races that you'll be voting on. Like those random judges that you forgot to find out about and the soil and water districts that you didn't know about. Yea, it tells you all about those candidates. Then you can print it and bring it with you to the polls easy-peasy.