My mom was flipping through the channels and she said, "Let's watch something mindless and not about politics." So we stopped on a cheerleading comptetion. It was fun to watch - makes me nostalgic for danceline. But not for very long.
“See, I think Christianity is like a human poem, written over thousands of years by people who have a sense that there is something more important for us than just waking up every day and going about our business. I’m one of those people, I’m afraid. I know that makes me seem a little foolish to you, but maybe you have room in your life for one goofy friend, huh?”real live preacher
I feel like I can't be my full self right now. I'm too busy to talk to people, I cut them off and leave them hanging. I don't want it to be: I'm late, you don't matter, but it ends up that way. What I really want to do is sit my butt down and breathe.
Church rocked last night and I needed to stay longer, but was also "needed" elsewhere. Passions colliding. At EPIC we talked about wearing masks (real and figurative). Right now I feel like I have this schallack on of fake happy. Is it worth it to say that - "Yea I'm really overextended right now, but there isn't much I can do about it." I've never had anxiety this bad or as often as these last 2 months.
Stop whining. There's only 8 days left, suck it up and deal. If Froyd has his rant page, I guess this would be my whine page.
Oh and don't tell me you're too busy to volunteer right now, cause, ah yea.
The squeak on this couch sounds like people talking in the other room. This would be fine except I'm all alone at home and it freaks me out.
Julie G. - I'm thinking about you, come home quick sweetie(not too quick, I need sometime to clean my messes I've made without you knowing) and with some answers for your wellbeing:)
reverse engineering. The topic is interesting enough, but I'd much rather be discussing this issue, rather than writing about it. I can't seem to take a side or figure out where to begin. Well, I guess I have to try, here I go.
Another highlight - Jo-Nathan stood up for me and all Democrats to our waiter who had been giving me a hard time all night about being progressive. Our waiter happens to be in CS and one that I often get into arguements with. Sort of akward, but in a good way. Hahaha take that Mr. Conservative.
10-10-04fisher the band
If you've been searching for the band that created the "Beautiful Life" song for the Toyota commercials you've found us. We will be releasing a full length version of the track on our next CD due out March 2005. We have also received word that because of the overwhelming amount of inquires Toyota has received about the commercial, they will soon make the 1 minute edited version of the song available for a free download at their site. We'll post the info just as soon as we get it.
All the noise and distractions of this campaign remind me of the half hour or so before a sled dog race. The dogs are going nuts and I have to keep my focus on getting the sled ready, putting their harnesses on and not making a mistake. That's our strategy here too.Frank
I used to think I was born to spread the Word of God to everyone I possibly could...Lindsi Jo
Life was easier to live in denial than in reality...
I played a few worship songs and screamed at the ceiling like God would pay more attention to me if I was facing Him. I know He's never stopped paying attention to me because He's inside of me. He knows what I think before I do and He knows that I'm embarrassed to go back, knowing how much I've hurt Him. As a matter of fact, that's the first time I've even admitted it to myself. I can't go back, though... I am not the same person I was when I was 17. I am completely different. My circumstance has completely reshaped who I'm destined to become. I need to find a happy medium.
There has to be balance between the perfect-bright-white-Jesus-lover and the cussing-drinking-judgmental-materialist... Doesn't there? I still love Jesus when I'm drunk, and He still loves me when I'm dropping F-bombs. He died on the cross for my F-bombs. Convenient, though that doesn't justify them.
I yelled at the computer "Me too!" when I read this. These last years at college have streched and challenged my faith and relationship with God. I've struggled with doing everything right and being pissed off at God for what I couldn't understand. I've come to not just accept my doubts and vices, but to realize that I don't have to be perfect and maybe I can learn and grow more from being "outside my xian box" - eventually getting closer to Him from experiencing all of his world.
Lindsi - we so need to start a progressive xian discussion (group?). Right, cause both of us have time to do that, but it would be wonderful.
I've learned my lesson, that if I want a boy to call me for something other than a booty call its better to take a raincheck. I want someone who will go to debate watch parties with me and watch the Twins/Vikings with me, go to church with me, be a companion who really wants to know how my day was. Love all the crazy, put together parts of my personality. Someone who takes me fishing and comes into the coffee shop sometimes.
We desire to be touched and loved, but only let those needs show when we are "at ease", i.e. intoxicated or in my case using the fact that everyone else is drunk to allow me all the embraces I want. Personal bubbles go away.

For once I need Jesus to freak out with me, to cry until we're laughing, then collapsing into comfortable chairs, suddenly forgetting everything, present in the quiet moment.danielsjourney
"You fucked up again, son," he would say.
"I know," I would say.
"It's ok. It's going to be ok."
"You mean like last time it was going to be ok?" And my sarcasm would cut him and he would frown in sadness, and I would start crying again, mumbling, "I just don't know, I just don't know..."
Eventually, I guess, I would fall asleep. And like Santa Claus, he would be gone back up the chimney by morning.
Eventually, I guess, I will fall asleep. I'll pray quietly as I lay down for no more nightmares. I'll pray quietly that I not think about the ten things I didn't do today, added to the ten things I didn't do yesterday, added to...
Do you think God might consider danielsjourney one big prayer from me? Even the cussing and the weakness and when I am skewed and crazy? Maybe God will consider what I'm writing tonight as a prayer. I like thinking that could be true.
I love using new media to "get to God", finding new ways of communing with the Spirit. I absolutely feel more at ease after I've written for miniette.
We're all crappy christians just trying to figure things out. Why not by using tech to not only speak out to the world, but to the alimighty too. It's not like its out of his reach anyway. (God knows)
And I still don't feel like I get anything accomplished for the Democrats either. Am I really just putting on the facade of working hard?
Anyway, time for bed. I have to fucking work all day for the Democrats and the coffee shop tomorrow. I need to learn to say no to extra hours and filling in.
25 days. John Kerry WILL win, I WILL get my homework done and I WILL take time off from Uptown...after the election.
It makes me want to call the one boy who makes me feel pretty. But that will probably be a let down too.
Oh and can't forget to mention the cockblock that came from the obnoxious customer when the cute/liberal/flirt salesman was in the coffee shop this afternoon - when I was the only one working and he could have asked me out. Ack.